Town of Macedon Recreation Department
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Pee-Wee Indoor Soccer

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Indoor Soccer

WHAT: Pee-Wee Soccer is an indoor program for any child who wants to learn about soccer, sharpen their existing soccer skills, or just wants to have a place to run around and burn some calories while we’re all stuck inside during the winter.  There will be some healthy competition involved, but this is not a “competitive” program.  All skill levels are welcome and encouraged to sign up.

WHO: Children ages 2 through 2nd graders*

*The plan right now is to have three groups. 
GROUP 1: 2-3 year olds 
GROUP 2: Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten
GROUP 3: 1st and 2nd graders

Groupings may need to be adjusted based on enrollment  had to be adjusted, but the dates/times will remain the same.


WHEN & WHERE: Fridays in January once school is back in session (10th, 17th, 24th, 31st) between 6pm-8pm (1 hour sessions) at the Intermediate School Gym (4 West St in Macedon)
-Groups 1 & 2 split gym from 6pm-7pm
-Group 3 from 7pm-8pm

COST: $20 (P-M residents & non-residents) 

SNEAKERS: All participants must wear sneakers inside the gyms. With snow or wet sidewalks likely, it is recommended that everyone (players, coaches, participating parents/guardians) wear boots or other shoes, and then switch into their sneakers once they get inside the school.  Wet floors are a safety hazard so we need to do our best to keep the gym floors nice and dry.

SHIN GUARDS: Groups 2 and 3 must wear shin guards during this activity.  Group 1 is not required, but you are welcome to try if you can convince your toddler to keep them on.

If you need to purchase shin guards here are a few options to look at.  I would recommend you go with ones that have the stirrup attached because they stay in place easier than ones with just a velcro strap, or the sleeves.

SHIRTS: There are no t-shirts or jerseys given out for this activity.  Each date the assigned coach will hand out pinnies when it comes time to play against the other team.

We always need coaches and assistant coaches to help lead the groups/teams.  If you aren’t sure you can commit to coach all four dates, but are willing to assist on the days you can attend, please talk to your child’s coach to see how you can help!

Parent/guardian attendance is required for all age groups. 

For those in group 1, you will need to be able to directly assist your child in participation in drills/activities. Think “herding cats”.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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